2500 years ago, the Greek comedian Aristophanes wrote a bizarre play with a plot that feels like a pre-incarnation of Monty Python. In The Birds, the central character Peisetairos is fed up with his fellow Athenians...
I suspect Leonardo da Vinci would have made a truly awful management consultant. He took years to get anything done, was constantly distracted by new ideas, didn’t finish half the projects he started, and as a...
I don’t mean can you remember them, I mean what are they? Here’s a thought experiment: if you were to re-title all of your organisation’s “Our values” posters so that they better described...
I started using the phrase “shared meaning” a couple of years ago to describe the outcome we were focusing on in the organisations we were working with, but I wasn’t prepared for just how quickly the phrase came to be...
“It is hardly possible to overrate the value … of placing human beings in contact with persons dissimilar to themselves, and with modes of thought and action unlike those with which they are familiar … Such...